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No politics. No ask.
We are Pro-Life, together.

Luncheons4Life is a grass roots luncheon designed to bring together like-minded life affirming people. No politics. No ask. Just pro-life people.

We are currently slowing down operations...

…although we are active in certain cities. We are grateful for the time of our participants and celebrate and support their fight in the ProLife Movement. We still have a library of great speakers and ProLife Warriors on our site and you can watch their videos below.

These humble, courageous servants are on the front lines of our fight. Watch and be inspired!

Any country that accepts abortion, is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants.

Mother TeresaActivist, Saint

Read this Article... It explains our mission!

Our founder, Janine Marrone, wrote the article “Protecting Life from Natural Conception until Natural Death” on the best method she’s uncovered for combatting the scourge of abortion. The article references research on the subject that will surprise you. Read it today!